
before you go | travel checklist

Kevin McCallister, accidentally left at home
when his family left for Paris. 

Forget anything?

Have you ever left on a trip and wondered, when you were halfway there, if you forgot something important (like turning off the oven ... or even remembering to bring all your kids)? While many folks swear by the principle of spontaneity, lots of us like to make lists. If you're one of those, here's a new resource that might come in handy. Click on the link to download a 2-page version of our Brownell Travel Checklist.

This travel checklist has a bunch of practical tasks, starting well before you actually leave on your trip, that you might not otherwise think of until you're already on the plane, halfway across the Atlantic. I suspect the list's author had a sense of humor. One of the "day of travel" checklist items is "sedate children." Download and use if the travel checklist useful for you!

What's your best story of something you forgot to bring on a trip? Drop me an email, and I'll publish some of the most amusing stories I get!

travel checklist (search here on Google)

copyright (c) 2013 by David Ourisman LLC. All rights reserved. If you have comments on this column, or questions about booking travel, email me or visit my website.

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