
-4º from ordinary | Ski Dubai

I had no idea how cold it would be inside. After all, I've done spring skiing at Northstar in Lake Tahoe when I'd take off my ski jacket in the afternoon. I figured my polar tech fleece jacket would suffice. I was wrong, but fortunately Ski Dubai provides warm jackets and snow boots to everyone using their facilities.

One banner I read inside Ski Dubai had the trademark -4º from ordinary, and having spent a half hour inside with a warm jacket but without gloves or a ski hat, I'm included to believe them on this score: -4º Centrigrade = 24º Fahrenheit. The company graciously provided me with a media pass to review their iconic Dubai attraction.

Is it great skiing? Not if you're accustomed to mile-long runs through fluffy powder or down freshly groomed trails. But if you live in Dubai and love winter sports, or want to notch this experience off your bucket list, Ski Dubai is as good as it gets! A refrigerated ski slope in the desert ... and because it's a constant -4C., you'll never ski through slush (which is what happens at Lake Tahoe when afternoon temperatures get into the 40's or 50's) or slip on hard ice (which is what happens when slushy now melts again).

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